I have a project running on an ESP8266 and it connects to a local Blynk server that I’m running on a VM on site.
I need to grant access of the ESP8266 to another user, but I want some buttons/fields that I can see on my app hidden from him. As far as I found out there’s no way that I can share my project with him while hiding certain widgets.
I thought to create a separate GUI on his account (on local Blynk server) with only the needed widgets and connect it to a blynk program running on linux (or Raspberry Pi)
This linux Blynk program would communicate with the ESP8266 using curl. If this program could read/write virtual pin values on ESP8266 that’s all I need to get his secondary app GUI to work properly.
Ex: To write to virtual pins in ESP8266 (C++ will use linux system calls) :
curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X PUT -d ‘[]’ http://<local_blynk_server_address>/<auth_token>/update/<virtual_pin>
To read (C++ will use linux system calls):
Value=curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -GET http://<local_blynk_server_address>/<auth_token>/get/<virtual_pin>
I would like your feedback on if this solution is the best solution, or if there’s an easier way to do this?