Connecting to --> Login timeout

Hi all,

I’ve search every post I could find and can’t find the answer to this issue…

I’m using an ESP2866 ESP01s, simply connected and uploaded the ESP8266_Standalone sketch with the WIFI and Auth values entered. This works fine on my D1 Mini without a glitch, but I get this on the ESP01. While it’s connected for a second or less at a time, I’m able to send commands to it, but it never remains connected longer than a second or 2:

[57378] Connecting to WifiNetwork
[58383] Connected to WiFi
[58383] IP:
    ___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
        /___/ v0.6.1 on ESP8266

[58462] Connecting to
[58860] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[61863] Login timeout
[63863] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[64176] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[67178] Login timeout
[130651] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[131236] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[136238] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[141239] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[141553] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[146555] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[146849] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[149851] Login timeout
[151851] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[153154] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[156157] Login timeout
[158157] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[158463] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*

… lots of the same loop …

[652198] Login timeout
[654198] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[654504] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[657812] Cmd error
[657813] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[662814] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
[663714] <[1D|00|01|00] *REDACTED AUTH KEY*
[666936] Cmd error
[666941] Connecting to blynk-cloud_com:80
Exception (29):
epc1=0x40219d4b epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000004 depc=0x00000000


ctx: sys
sp: 3fffed50 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0
3fffeef0:  3ffecca0 4021e4ec 3ffecca0 3ffe9b3c  
3fffef00:  3ffe9b3c 00000066 00000000 0000003b  
3fffef10:  00000002 0000001a 40227dd7 3ffecca0  
3fffef20:  3ffe9b30 3fffdcc0 3ffe9350 3ffe9350  
3fffef30:  00000080 3ffecca0 00000002 00000000  
3fffef40:  40227697 3fffdab0 00000000 00000005  

The code is out of the box with BLYNK_DEBUG added:

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define BLYNK_DEBUG  // Optional, this enables more detailed prints
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>  // for ESP8266
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>  // for ESP8266

char auth[] = "**********";
char ssid[] = "**********";
char pass[] = "**********";

void setup()
  // Debug console
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

void loop()

Also the Blynk App constantly shows “[app name] Connected”, “[app name] Disconnected”.

Any ideas? Only a problem with my 2 ESP01 chips, but not the D1 Mini on the same network.

How are you getting Serial prints from an ESP-01?

Actually, it is not connecting to the server at all.

The output is also out of the box with the Blynk Standalone sketch. None of this is custom code.

It is definitely connecting intermittently for a very short while at a time. I can occasionally control the pins using the Blynk app if I get the timing just right.

Not my point… the ESP only has one Serial connection, and it is unusable when WiFi is being used… and visa versa, so perhaps that is your problem right there?

Hah! It was a bit of a cryptic answer but I got it. Thanks Gunner. I commented out the #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial line and it stopped serial printing which in turn stopped interfering with the WIFI.


I actually didn’t put it together myself until my last comment :smiley: