I;m using nodemcu with blynk in my project and everything was good until I realized that i need to connect to my university wifi. the proces of signing is you select ssid “AASTSTUDENT” then you enter your email “username@aast.student.edu”
then you enter the password .
that issue here that in the blunk libraries we only enter the ssid and password . any ideas ?
You can connect your device manually (if it in fact CAN connect to you WiFi network) and then call Blynk.config(auth)
to initiate Blynk.
That is completely different authentication method. Perhaps WPA Enterprise
?? You are on your own, I guess. And it is NOT a Blynk related question. It is not an issue or error either - just another way of connecting to wifi. And wifi connection is ESP/Arduino core dependant…
Have you tried connecting your phone or laptop to the university Wi-Fi then creating your own hotspot, with a different SSID and password?
This should route traffic through university network, via your phone/laptop.
@PeteKnight @vshymanskyy , also when i use celluar hotspot , it connects to the internet but refuse to connect to the blynk and displays . [98745] Login timeout
If you use cellular hotspot, you may need to increase BLYNK_TIMEOUT_MS
: https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/blob/master/src/Blynk/BlynkConfig.h#L37
you can put on top of your sketch:
#define BLYNK_TIMEOUT_MS 10000
should i include BlynkConfig.h in the code also ?
#define BLYNK_TIMEOUT_MS 15000 , even tried with 20000 and it didn’t work still login timeout.
I’m using blynk 0.5.1 on nodemcu and the there is update i think do you there is a need to use the updated one 0.5.3