Connecting Particle (Core) to Blynk Error - SOLVED!

After introduction of the “New Blueprint with Particle!” on 31st August 2023, which helps connect Particle devices to Blynk, i tried it out but I am getting errors when compiling the code generated by the Blueprint. I’m using a Core from Particle with the latest update. See below code followed by the error.

#include "Particle.h"
#include <math.h> // This library is only for function simulating a sensor
const char *firmware_version = "0.0.0";

double v15 = 3.14159;
uint32_t simSensor_timer_last = 0; // This is a variable for a function that simulates a sensor
uint8_t led_state = LOW;
bool particle_fn_called = TRUE; // causes the device to publish data immediately after started/boot and connected to the Particle cloud.

// Register the Particle cloud function
int blynkLED(String on_or_off);

// Blynk

// Update below with your Blynk auth token for your device (automatically populated by Blueprint)
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Connect a Particle device"

void simSensor()    //This function simulates a sensor
  long sim = random(millis());
  if (millis() - simSensor_timer_last >= 20000) {
    simSensor_timer_last = millis();
    float deltaSensor = cos(float(sim) / 1000) / 100;
       if (v15 <= 0 || v15 >= 3.3)
      v15 = v15 - deltaSensor;
      v15 = v15 + deltaSensor;
} // simSensor


bool deviceHasLedOnD7()
  // Returns TRUE if the device has a built-in LED on D7:
  //  Boron, Argon, Photon 2, Photon, Electron, Core
  // 8: P1
  switch (PLATFORM_ID)
  case 0:  // Core
  case 6:  // Photon  (PLATFORM_PHOTON_PRODUCTION)
  case 10: // Electron  (PLATFORM_ELECTRON_PRODUCTION)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
} // deviceHasLedOnD7()

// Timer

const uint32_t TIMER_INTERVAL_MS = 300000L;
uint32_t timer_last = 0;

void pubToParticleBlynk()
  if (Particle.connected())
    char data[90]; // See serial output for the actual size in bytes and adjust accordingly.
    // Note the escaped double quotes around the ""t"" for BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN.
    snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"t\":\"%s\",\"v14\":%u,\"v15\":%f,\"v16\":%u,\"v17\":%u}", BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, millis(), v15, led_state, led_state);
    Serial.printlnf("Sending to Blynk: '%s' with size of %u bytes", data, strlen(data));
    bool pub_result = Particle.publish("blynk_https_get", data, PRIVATE);
    if (pub_result)
      timer_last = millis();
      Serial.println("ERROR: Particle.publish()");
} // pubToParticleBlynk()

void pubTimer()
  // A timer for publishing data to Particle Cloud, and then continuing to Blynk.
  if (timer_last > millis())
    timer_last = millis();
  if ((millis() - timer_last) > TIMER_INTERVAL_MS && Particle.connected())
    timer_last = millis();
} // pubTimer()


void setup()

  if (deviceHasLedOnD7() == TRUE)
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(D7, LOW);

  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 30000);
  Serial.printlnf("Device OS v%s", System.version().c_str());
  Serial.printlnf("Free RAM %lu bytes", System.freeMemory());
  Serial.printlnf("Firmware version v%s", firmware_version);

  // register the Particle cloud function (funcKey, funcName)
  Particle.function("blynk_led", blynkLED);

  Serial.println("Setup complete");

} // setup()

void loop()
  simSensor(); // This is function simulates a sensor

  if (particle_fn_called == TRUE)
    particle_fn_called = FALSE;
    // Publish data to Particle cloud..

  if (deviceHasLedOnD7() == TRUE)
    digitalWrite(D7, led_state);

} // loop()

int blynkLED(String on_off)
  // Custom Particle cloud function that changes the state of the built-in LED
  // on D7 in response to an instruction from Blynk calling this
  // custom cloud function.
  // Returns the value 1 if the LED has been turned on, and 0 if turned off,
  // -1 if an unexpected on_off value is received.
  // Cloud functions must return int and take one String argument
  // curl{your 25 char device id}/blynk_led
  // -d access_token={your 40 char access token}
  // -d "args=on/off"

  if (on_off == "on" || on_off == "1")
    particle_fn_called = TRUE;
    led_state = HIGH;
    return 1;
  else if (on_off == "off" || on_off == "0")
    particle_fn_called = TRUE;
    led_state = LOW;
    return 0;
    Serial.print("Unexpected on_off value of: '");
  return -1;

} // blynkLED()


Processing  blynxparticleexample02.ino
make -C ../newlib_nano 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/newlib_nano'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/newlib_nano'
make -C ../user 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/user'
Building cpp file: blynxparticleexample02.cpp
Invoking: ARM GCC CPP Compiler
mkdir -p ../build/target/user/platform-0-lto
arm-none-eabi-gcc -DSTM32_DEVICE -DSTM32F10X_MD -DPLATFORM_THREADING=0 -DPLATFORM_ID=0 -DPLATFORM_NAME=core -DUSBD_VID_SPARK=0x1D50 -DUSBD_PID_DFU=0x607F -DUSBD_PID_CDC=0x607D -DSPARK_PLATFORM -DFLASHEE_EEPROM -g3 -gdwarf-2 -Os -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -flto -DINCLUDE_PLATFORM=1 -DPRODUCT_ID=0 -DPRODUCT_FIRMWARE_VERSION=65535 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DDFU_BUILD_ENABLE -DSYSTEM_VERSION_STRING=1.2.1-rc.2 -DRELEASE_BUILD -I./inc -I../wiring/inc -I../system/inc -I../third_party/miniz/miniz -I../services/inc -I../third_party/nanopb/nanopb -I../communication/src -I../hal/inc -I../hal/shared -I../hal/src/core -I../hal/src/stm32 -I../platform/shared/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_USB_Device_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/SPARK_Firmware_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/shared/STM32/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Include -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Device/ST/Include -I../platform/NET/CC3000/CC3000_Host_Driver -I../dynalib/inc -I -I./libraries -I. -MD -MP -MF ../build/target/user/platform-0-ltoblynxparticleexample02.o.d -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -Wno-switch -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -fmessage-length=0 -fno-strict-aliasing -DSPARK=1 -DPARTICLE=1 -Wundef -DSTART_DFU_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=14400 -DSTART_YMODEM_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=28800 -DSPARK_PLATFORM_NET=CC3000 -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-free -fno-builtin-realloc  -DLOG_INCLUDE_SOURCE_INFO=1 -DPARTICLE_USER_MODULE -DMODULE_VERSION=1211 -DMODULE_FUNCTION=3 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY=0,0,0 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY2=0,0,0 -D_WINSOCK_H -D_GNU_SOURCE -DLOG_MODULE_CATEGORY="\"app\""  -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fcheck-new -std=gnu++14 -c -o ../build/target/user/platform-0-ltoblynxparticleexample02.o blynxparticleexample02.cpp
blynxparticleexample02.ino: In function 'void pubToParticleBlynk()':
blynxparticleexample02.ino:71:149: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 5 has type 'system_tick_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]
     snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"t\":\"%s\",\"v14\":%u,\"v15\":%f,\"v16\":%u,\"v17\":%u}", BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, millis(), v15, led_state, led_state);
blynxparticleexample02.ino:71:149: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 5 has type 'system_tick_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]

Building target: ../build/target/user/platform-0-ltolibuser.a
Invoking: ARM GCC Archiver
mkdir -p ../build/target/user/platform-0-lto
arm-none-eabi-gcc-ar -cr ../build/target/user/platform-0-ltolibuser.a ../build/target/user/platform-0-ltoblynxparticleexample02.o

make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/user'
make -C ../wiring 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/wiring'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/wiring'
make -C ../hal 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/hal'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/hal'
make -C ../system 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/system'
make -C ../third_party/miniz 
make[2]: Entering directory '/firmware/third_party/miniz'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/firmware/third_party/miniz'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/system'
make -C ../services 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/services'
make -C ../third_party/nanopb 
make[2]: Entering directory '/firmware/third_party/nanopb'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/firmware/third_party/nanopb'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/services'
make -C ../communication 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/communication'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/communication'
make -C ../platform 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/platform'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/platform'
make -C ../wiring_globals 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/wiring_globals'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/wiring_globals'
make -C ../crypto 
make[1]: Entering directory '/firmware/crypto'
make -C ../third_party/mbedtls 
make[2]: Entering directory '/firmware/third_party/mbedtls'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/firmware/third_party/mbedtls'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/firmware/crypto'
Building c file: src/module_info.c
Invoking: ARM GCC C Compiler
mkdir -p target/obj/./src/
arm-none-eabi-gcc -DSTM32_DEVICE -DSTM32F10X_MD -DPLATFORM_THREADING=0 -DPLATFORM_ID=0 -DPLATFORM_NAME=core -DUSBD_VID_SPARK=0x1D50 -DUSBD_PID_DFU=0x607F -DUSBD_PID_CDC=0x607D -g3 -gdwarf-2 -Os -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -flto -DINCLUDE_PLATFORM=1 -DPRODUCT_ID=0 -DPRODUCT_FIRMWARE_VERSION=65535 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DDFU_BUILD_ENABLE -DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE="<mbedtls_config.h>" -DSYSTEM_VERSION_STRING=1.2.1-rc.2 -DRELEASE_BUILD -Werror -I../user/inc -I../wiring/inc -I../hal/inc -I../hal/shared -I../hal/src/core -I../hal/src/stm32 -I../system/inc -I../third_party/miniz/miniz -I../services/inc -I../third_party/nanopb/nanopb -I../communication/src -I../platform/shared/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_USB_Device_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/SPARK_Firmware_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/shared/STM32/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Include -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Device/ST/Include -I../platform/NET/CC3000/CC3000_Host_Driver -I../crypto/inc -I../third_party/mbedtls/mbedtls/include -I../dynalib/inc -I. -MD -MP -MF target/obj/./src/module_info.o.d -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -Wno-switch -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -fmessage-length=0 -fno-strict-aliasing -DSPARK=1 -DPARTICLE=1 -Wundef -DSTART_DFU_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=14400 -DSTART_YMODEM_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=28800 -DMODULE_VERSION=1211 -DMODULE_FUNCTION=3 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY=0,0,0 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY2=0,0,0 -D_WINSOCK_H -D_GNU_SOURCE  -std=gnu11 -Wno-pointer-sign -c -o target/obj/./src/module_info.o src/module_info.c

Building file: ../build/arm/startup/startup_stm32f10x_md.S
Invoking: ARM GCC Assembler
mkdir -p target/obj/startup/
arm-none-eabi-gcc -g3 -gdwarf-2 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -I../build/arm/startup -Wa,--defsym -Wa,SPARK_INIT_STARTUP=1 -x assembler-with-cpp -fmessage-length=0 -c -o target/obj/startup/startup_stm32f10x_md.o ../build/arm/startup/startup_stm32f10x_md.S

Building target: target/workspace.elf
Invoking: ARM GCC C++ Linker
mkdir -p target/
arm-none-eabi-g++ -DSTM32_DEVICE -DSTM32F10X_MD -DPLATFORM_THREADING=0 -DPLATFORM_ID=0 -DPLATFORM_NAME=core -DUSBD_VID_SPARK=0x1D50 -DUSBD_PID_DFU=0x607F -DUSBD_PID_CDC=0x607D -g3 -gdwarf-2 -Os -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -flto -DINCLUDE_PLATFORM=1 -DPRODUCT_ID=0 -DPRODUCT_FIRMWARE_VERSION=65535 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DDFU_BUILD_ENABLE -DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE="<mbedtls_config.h>" -DSYSTEM_VERSION_STRING=1.2.1-rc.2 -DRELEASE_BUILD -Werror -I../user/inc -I../wiring/inc -I../hal/inc -I../hal/shared -I../hal/src/core -I../hal/src/stm32 -I../system/inc -I../third_party/miniz/miniz -I../services/inc -I../third_party/nanopb/nanopb -I../communication/src -I../platform/shared/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/STM32_USB_Device_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/SPARK_Firmware_Driver/inc -I../platform/MCU/shared/STM32/inc -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Include -I../platform/MCU/STM32F1xx/CMSIS/Device/ST/Include -I../platform/NET/CC3000/CC3000_Host_Driver -I../crypto/inc -I../third_party/mbedtls/mbedtls/include -I../dynalib/inc -I. -MD -MP -MF target/workspace.elf.d -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -Wno-switch -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -fmessage-length=0 -fno-strict-aliasing -DSPARK=1 -DPARTICLE=1 -Wundef -DSTART_DFU_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=14400 -DSTART_YMODEM_FLASHER_SERIAL_SPEED=28800 -DMODULE_VERSION=1211 -DMODULE_FUNCTION=3 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY=0,0,0 -DMODULE_DEPENDENCY2=0,0,0 -D_WINSOCK_H -D_GNU_SOURCE target/obj/./src/module_info.o  target/obj/startup/startup_stm32f10x_md.o --output target/workspace.elf -nostartfiles -Xlinker --gc-sections -flto -Os -fuse-linker-plugin -Tlinker_stm32f10x_md_dfu.ld -L../build/arm/linker --specs=nano.specs -lc -lnosys -u _printf_float -Wl,-Map,target/  -L../build/target/user/platform-0-lto -L../build/target/wiring/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/system/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/services/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/communication/platform-0-lto-prod-0/ -L../build/target/hal/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/platform/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/wiring_globals/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/crypto/platform-0-lto/ -L../build/target/newlib_nano/platform-0-lto -L../build/target/miniz/platform-0-lto -L../build/target/nanopb/platform-0-lto -L../build/target/mbedtls/platform-0-lto -L../build/arm/linker -Wl,--whole-archive -lnewlib_nano -luser -lwiring -lhal -lsystem -lservices -lcommunication -lplatform -lwiring_globals -lcrypto -lminiz -lnanopb -lmbedtls -Wl,--no-whole-archive 
/usr/local/gcc-arm-embedded/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: target/workspace.elf section `.data' will not fit in region `APP_FLASH'
/usr/local/gcc-arm-embedded/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `APP_FLASH' overflowed by 792 bytes
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
../build/ recipe for target 'target/workspace.elf' failed
make: *** [target/workspace.elf] Error 1 

I have basic programming skills. Please help.

Particle Core (or Spark Core) is a really old device, I’m not sure if it’s still well supported by Particle.
The error looks to be on Particle end, did you consider creating a topic on their community forum?

Since it was listed here on the Blynk’s tutorial under “Components Used in This Project”, I assumed it was tested because this is a recent solution (31st August 2023).
However I’ll also seek help on Particle’s community forum. Since I bought a number of them way back, I still use the Core in many projects and it works well.

The application code did not fit into the rather limited flash of the Core.
I had to trim the code down.
I shortened and remove static text as much as I could and even drop some of the Serial.print() statements. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

Thanks for your feedback. If you could summarize what you did, we could update the Blueprint so that others won’t face the same issue.


I removed the simSensor() function and the code fit into the Core.

Since my aim was to connect the Core to Blynk so i could create a simple ON/OFF button over the internet, i didn’t need the simSensor() function or the analog I/O, just digital. Ultimately i created buttons on Blynk Web and Mobile App.

Thanks for your feedback!
We updated the example accordingly: