Can't create new template

I am unable to create a new template. I currently have two and I am on the PLUS plan. When I attempt to provide a basic name such as “test”, I receive an error " you can’t create product for that type of organization"

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@MarkPan Could you please take a look?

@hamstersquasher probably account you’re trying to create the account under is not a “dev” account. You can check this setting in the user profile. IS that true? Do you have suborgs in your account?

In general “create template” button should not be visible for the non dev accs. But maybe this is another issue.

Hi, @hamstersquasher Please also keep in my mind that you can’t create or edit product template if you switched to sub org even under Admin account.

It turns out I wasn’t in “dev” mode. I just assumed erroneously that I was since I was able to start the template creation in the first place. Thanks to everyone for assisting!

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@MarkPan let’s improve the error copy

It’s already fixed and waiting for the next deploy.
New Template button won’t be available if Developer Mode is disabled.