Can't Connect to device

I have a problem that can not connect to device

Any chance you can provide a bit more details?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

please check this

[561] Hardware v1.0.0
[561] Firmware v1.0.1
[562] Using default config.
[1321] AP SSID: 3Channels
[1321] AP IP:
[1321] AP URL:

I make exactly steps to preview simple project but the problem can not connect to device

So… I am guessing some form of ESP?

Have you installed the ESP Arduino core in your IDE?

Then flashed a Blynk sketch to the ESP… if so, what sketch?

Local or Cloud server?


So far your screenshots and info is meaningless…

I give up :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wait… perhaps someone else can decipher all this…

I already find problem because the ping is 400ms I tried other network it is connecting

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