Can't connect to cloud

Since yesterday evening, I can’t connect to cloud anymore.
I noticed it as my sketch tried to connect without success. Then I tried to connect via Windows-PC which was also not possible.
Firefox (newest version) shows me the following information.
Fehler: Gesicherte Verbindung fehlgeschlagen

Beim Verbinden mit trat ein Fehler auf. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

Die Website kann nicht angezeigt werden, da die Authentizität der erhaltenen Daten nicht verifiziert werden konnte.
Kontaktieren Sie bitte den Inhaber der Website, um ihn über dieses Problem zu informieren.


In addition the browser stated that the connection to
is not safe.

Then I used another browser ( Edge - as is out of the box). The result was the same, no connection possible.
The same result I got using my IPAD.

Any ideas or solutions?

Hello. Sounds very strange. Could you please post a screenshot of the browser? Certificates are correct and new. What OS do you use and what version? Do you have some kind of VPN? Maybe your traffic is served via some 3-d party server?

Hi. Many thanks for your quick reply. Fortunately, the problem is solved now.
What happened?
In our network several people share one router. One of these users did some experiments with router profile yesterday. The profile he created didn’t work as expected. Now we fixed it.

I see. Ok, I’m glad it is solved now on your end :wink: