Can't connect new device in Blynk 2.0 application

Ok I will try adding gpio 2 in #define BOARD_LED_PIN

What about for?
What gpio pin should I add?

Yes you will need that I am looking to see if I can find that pin number

I only managed to find two other threads.
I tried the solution from one of the thread which is to disable debug (#define APP_DEBUG) but it doesn’t work for me

The other thread somehow doesn’t show any solution.

the BOOT button is connected to GPIO0 so pressing it will pull GPIO0 low.

I think this would work in settings.h

#define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0                     // Pin where user button is attached
 #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true                  // true if button is "active-low"

 #define BOARD_LED_PIN               2                     // Set LED pin - if you have a single-color LED attached
 //#define BOARD_LED_PIN_R           15                    // Set R,G,B pins - if your LED is PWM RGB
 //#define BOARD_LED_PIN_G           12
 //#define BOARD_LED_PIN_B           13
 //#define BOARD_LED_PIN_WS2812      4                     // Set if your LED is WS2812 RGB
 #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false                 // true if LED is common anode, false if common cathode
 #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        64                    // 0..255 brightness control

once you get that done press and hold the boot button for 10 seconds

@yowckie you need to edit the custom board configuration to suit your board, as described here:
