Im trying to setup blynk and start using the platform.
Unfortunately I have faced a number of issues.
I started by installing the library and running it on my PC (not embedded device)
Running python setup.py test fails on a test:
E assert 1 == 0
E +1
E -0
test\test_blynk_protocol.py:26: AssertionError
And when I run the library with the following code:
import blynklib
BLYNK_AUTH = 'vXFXq8rp0y10GtYUl9bL2J_c81AFTVyz'
print("Connecting to Blynk server...")
blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH)
print("connecting to server...")
print("ststus: {}".format(str(blynk.connected())))
print("starting up server")
while True:
It returns:
[ERROR]: Invalid Auth Token
I have manually modified the server from blynk-cloud.com to blynk.cloud and then it returns:
Authenticating device…
[ERROR]: Auth stage failed. Status=4
Would appreciate your help