C++ Blynk (Legacy) - Code Examples for Basic Tasks

#19 - Modified Text Input Widget performance - Now with 100% more line feed :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, here is another modification to make a widget work how I at least think it could (and possibly temporary… see my supplanted multi-coloured button above :wink: )

NOTE: This is NOT intended to undermine what Blynk has made… just add in my own personal preferences to somthing I wish to use in a particular way.

The text Input widget is great… easy to use and compact, compared to the Terminal input option. Only one thing… It doesn’t act like a ‘true’ (IMHO) text input. No EOL, ‘carriage return’ or clearing upon hitting return. All by design? Perhaps :smiley:

Well, here is my simple code mod to supply all those “missing” features :sunglasses:

You can still use the Widget as intended, or with the addition of a space and two periods (customisable) followed by the return key. you can get a cleared widget and a new line in the resulting string.

Due to the need for a SPACE to “clear” the widget… some post processing is used to remove a single leading SPACE from your string, if present.

String textIn; // declare global variable

//===== Modified Text Input Widget - BLYNK Function =====
  String textIn = param.asStr(); // Get string from Text Input Widget
  if (textIn.startsWith(" ")) {  // If it has a leading SPACE...
    textIn.remove(0, 1);  // ...remove it.
  if (textIn.endsWith(" ..")) {  // If it has customisable EOL indicator, In my case SPACE and 2 PERIODS...
    textIn.replace(" ..", "\n"); // ...replace with newline command
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, " ");  // "clear" the Text Input field.  A null "" will not work, so needs a space
  Serial.print(textIn);  // Show string output as intended, or do whatever you want with the string.
  Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, textIn);  // Like send it to a terminal Widget

So if you want or need a truer text entry feeling, with carriage return effects… this…


…can become this, just by ending with a SPACE and 2 PERIODS (customisable)




To give this output…


And for the fun of it, here is some code to add a Clear Terminal button.

//===== Clear Terminal Widget =====
BLYNK_WRITE(vPin) {  // Button Widget
  if (param.asInt()) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, "clr");  // Clears terminal if button state is 1
