If this App is to be used by interested types like us - that’s fine - but the first thing my wife would say is “why does that button have to have V10 in the middle of it??? (etc)” Need to be able to remove that and just have a title for the button (which it has alread) - and possibly centred?
The virtual io value is of no interest to the person using the App other than the developer… should just leave it blank in the middle (or make the button prettier with a disk in the middle that lights up or something - ANYTHING other than an irrelevant number.
(strange - won’t let me put a link in my signature. Did earlier).
Just another thought it would be nice to be able to change the colour of the led Off state not just the On state as currently that way you could have Green On Red Off on one led instead of using two LEDs for a push button state or better still put a led widget in the middle of the button widget, it’s all about saving precious space on the screen so you can get more on there.
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I’ll second that. Also - there may be a reason for this or not… you can adjust the LED brilliance from 0-255. Nice novelty but I’m not entirely sure I see the point - far more useful would be general colour change. FOR EXAMPLE - you’re monitoring your heating controller… it is red for off… turns amber when ready - and red when actually heating. That’s real space saving - and if brilliance is important - then you could have a range of colours including bright and dim versions.
a 9 bit number - ie 0-512 would give 3 bits per colour - that’s 8 intensity levels per colour… just a thought.