BMP280@Arduino blynking via Raspberry as a Bluetooth Bridge

Hi Community!

I want to measure temperature and pressure using a Bosch BMP280 sensor connected to an Arduino (outdoor). Values should be sent to a RaspberryPi (indoor) via Bluetooth (HC-05) and forwarded using Ethernet to the blynk server. Reason for Bluetooth instead of a simple ESP8266 configuration is to avoid Wi-Fi because of power consumption and radiation.

What is already working:

  1. BMP280 is running fine with my Arduino Uno.
  2. Arduino is successfully sending the data to my RPI Model B Rev 2 (Wheezy 7.11) using HC-05 Bluetooth module and a USB dongle every 5 seconds.
  3. Values can be read by typing cat /dev/rfcomm0
  4. WiringPi is running at my RPI (Node installation wasn`t successful, therefore wiringPi), blynk example is running together with my iPhone. I basically know how to modify main.cpp and how to compile according to How to use Virtual Pins on RaspberryPi

Where I need help:
Now the question is how to watch /dev/rfcomm0, save the values for temperature and pressure to variables and send them to the blynk server using Blynk.virtualWrite. I only have basic skills to program in C++.

Many thanks for your support!!