This is the new library, adding to the current Blynk_WiFiManager. It’s designed to help you eliminate hardcoding your Blynk credentials in Mega/UNO/Nano boards using with Ethernet board (W5100, W5200, W5500, etc). It’s currently not supporting SSL because there is not enough memory in Mega, UNO, Nano boards. You can update Blynk Credentials any time you need to change via Configure Portal. Data are saved in configurable locations in EEPROM.
So, how it works?
If no valid config data are stored in EEPROM, it will switch to Configuration Mode. Connect to access point at the IP address displayed on Terminal or Router’s DHCP server as in the following picture:
After you connected to, for example,, the Browser will display the following picture:
Enter your credentials (Blynk Server and Port). If you prefer static IP, input it (for example in the corresponding field. Otherwise, just leave it blank or nothing.
Then click Save. After the board auto-restarted, you will see if it’s connected to your Blynk server successfully as in the following picture:
BlynkEthernet_Manager libraries v1.0.4 just got included into Arduino Library Manager.
Now you can install this library directly from Arduino Library Manager.
Change Synch XMLHttpRequest to Async to avoid “InvalidAccessError” DOMException ( which prevents displaying Configuration Webpage in recent WebBrowers’ version.
Reduce code size. Use dynamically allocated WebServer so that memory is only used when config portal is requested.
New powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters from sketch and input using the same Config Portal. Config Portal will be auto-adjusted to match the number of dynamic parameters.
Dynamic custom parameters to be saved automatically in EEPROM, DueFlashStorage or FlashStorage.
Permit to input special chars such as % and # into data fields.
MultiBlynk Servers and Tokens with Auto(Re)Connect feature
Add examples, now total 21.
So, how it works?
If no valid config data are stored in EEPROM, it will switch to Configuration Mode. Connect to access point at the IP address displayed on Terminal or Router’s DHCP server as in the following picture:
After you connected to, for example,, the Browser will display the following picture:
Enter your credentials (Blynk Servers/Tokens and Port). If you prefer static IP, input it (for example in the corresponding field. Otherwise, just leave it blank or nothing to use auto IP assigned by DHCP server.
Update to use LittleFS for ESP8266 core 2.7.1+ to store Credentials and Dynamic Parameters’ data in addition to deprecated SPIFFS and EEPROM.
Add support to several more W5x00 Ethernet libraries. Now Ethernet, Ethernet2, Ethernet3, EthernetLarge libraries are supported. W5100 is now re-supported.
Fix bug.
Releases v1.0.14
Add support to nRF52-based boards, , such as Adafruit’s NRF52840_FEATHER, NRF52832_FEATHER, NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE, NRF52840_ITSYBITSY, NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY, NRF52840_CLUE, NRF52840_METRO, NRF52840_PCA10056, PARTICLE_XENON, NINA_B302_ublox, etc. The Credentials and Dynamic Parameters’ data will be stored in LittleFS/InternalFS.
Thanks to Miguel Alexandre Wisintainer for initiating, inspriring, working with, developing, debugging and testing. Without that, support to nRF52 would have never been started and finished.
Releases v1.0.13
Optional default Credentials as well as Dynamic parameters to be optionally autoloaded into Config Portal to use or change instead of manually input.
DoubleDetectDetector feature to force Config Portal when double reset is detected within predetermined time, default 10s.
Configurable Config Portal Title to be either HostName, BoardName or default undistinguishable names.
Examples are redesigned to separate Credentials / Defines / Dynamic Params / Code so that you can change Credentials / Dynamic Params quickly for each device.
Thanks to thorathome in GitHub to test, suggest and encourage to add those new features to Blynk_WM, such as Default Credentials/Dynamic Params, Configurable Config Portal Title, DRD.
Releases v1.0.12
Drop AVR Mega support because of not enough marginal memory.
Add support to SAM51 (Itsy-Bitsy M4, Metro M4, Grand Central M4, Feather M4 Express, etc.).
Releases v1.0.11
Fix potential dangerous bug in code and examples of v1.0.10.