BLYNK_WRITE_DEFAULT acting really weird

On testing a new setup it turned out to be not working so I delved into it. After a while I noticed that the writes to my ‘central’ ESP (that processes all communication) got a massive amount of updates over BLYNK_WRITE_DEFAULT. Hence I disconnected ALL ESP including the blynk app and then just ran the central device clean with this code:

  //all pins used consist out of 2 digits
  int pin =;
  int one = pin % 10; //this tells the type of operation
  int ten = pin/10 % 10 - 1; //this tells which device it came from (V10 = 1-1 = LIVING = 0)
  Serial.print("Incomming value: ");
  Serial.print("/ OPERATION:");
  Serial.print("/ DEVICE:");

So the serial monitor should not process anything, right?
This is what I got: (I let it run for about 2 seconds after connection)

OTA Ready
IP address:
Starting 'alive' routine...

Incomming value: 10/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 16/ OPERATION:6/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 13/ OPERATION:3/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 14/ OPERATION:4/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 12/ OPERATION:2/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 17/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 15/ OPERATION:5/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 11/ OPERATION:1/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 18/ OPERATION:8/ DEVICE:0

Incomming value: 47/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:3

Incomming value: 77/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:6

Incomming value: 45/ OPERATION:5/ DEVICE:3

Incomming value: 76/ OPERATION:6/ DEVICE:6

Incomming value: 71/ OPERATION:1/ DEVICE:6

Incomming value: 37/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 67/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 35/ OPERATION:5/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 0/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:-1

Incomming value: 27/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:1

Incomming value: 57/ OPERATION:7/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 25/ OPERATION:5/ DEVICE:1

Incomming value: 30/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 38/ OPERATION:8/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 31/ OPERATION:1/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 33/ OPERATION:3/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 32/ OPERATION:2/ DEVICE:2

Incomming value: 50/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 58/ OPERATION:8/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 51/ OPERATION:1/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 53/ OPERATION:3/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 52/ OPERATION:2/ DEVICE:4

Incomming value: 60/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 68/ OPERATION:8/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 61/ OPERATION:1/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 63/ OPERATION:3/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 62/ OPERATION:2/ DEVICE:5

Incomming value: 70/ OPERATION:0/ DEVICE:6

Incomming value: 78/ OPERATION:8/ DEVICE:6

hmm, put this on hold for now. it turns out that the server pushes a LOT of values on boot, so its possible that this is not an issue after all.