Blynk with Bluetooth

can i use bluetooth with blynk for example with the HC-05

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Possibly in near future, but only for Android.

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thank you for answering but is there a way that i can connect blynk to bluetooth

For now, lot’s of BLE boards are supported, but HC-05 is Bluetooth 2.0 not BLE 4.0.
Please see examples for the list of supported devices/

can you please give me an example of boards that are supported

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As usual, the list of supported hardware is here:

P.S. Please use search on the forum before asking questions like this…

you need internet connection in order to use Blynk . And you can’t do it with HC-05. :frowning: but the good part is you can do with HC-06 witch costs 4-5 times much than HC-05. but you can try. it can be done.

@harshgp, what do you mean? I’m almost sure that what you’re saying is incorrect…

Yeah, they need to get on that, I honestly can’t wait for the release because I can use bluetooth without issue. But trying to get a ESP8266 to work will kill me faster than cigarettes

you can use Blynk with BLE. only Bluetooth classic is not yet supported.

I am currently learning that I don’t know as much about bluetooth as I originally thought. My experience has been mostly with HC-06 modules. So, what is the difference between BLU and classic?