Blynk WiFiManager for ESP8266/ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3) with Multi-WiFi and Multi-Blynk. Fix SSL issue for Blynk Cloud Server now


The easiest solution, if you insist of using the EEPROMex library, is to change the file

Esp8266_AT_WM_Lite.h of Esp8266_AT_WM_Lite library , assuming you’re using Mega, from

#include <EEPROM.h>


#include <EEPROMex.h>

Just recheck / retest the code to see if changing the lib breaking anything.

Also remember that some EEPROM locations have been reserved for the WM + dynamicParams purposes and use different location to store your params.

I also suggest to move this discussion to the correct topic from now on

BTW, I’ll add in next release v1.0.3

  1. Option to use EEPROMex library, by just specifying from sketch,
  2. Add support to nRF52-based boards, , such as Adafruit’s NRF52840_FEATHER, NRF52832_FEATHER, NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE, NRF52840_ITSYBITSY, NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY, NRF52840_CLUE, NRF52840_METRO, NRF52840_PCA10056, PARTICLE_XENON, NINA_B302_ublox, etc. The Credentials and Dynamic Parameters’ data will be stored in LittleFS/InternalFS .

Anything you’d like to suggest to add into that new release?