Blynk Templates

This has probably been discussed already but I couldn’t find where.
I’m moving a bunch of projects from the now redundant Cayenne to Blynk that are mostly just simple temps and relays…
Issue I’m having is understanding the purpose of templates as when I create multiple devices on one template with exclusive and different Auth Tokens for each they still kick each other of the network and any changes made on one appears on the other. I guess there’s reasons for being able to edit multiple devices from the dashboard, but if they cant be on the same network together it makes no sense. So I create a template for each device and hope I don’t run out of templates and try to consolidate them in to a smaller number of devices or I’m missing something ?

That should t be happening. You need to share more info about this.

Templates are useful where you need several devices that need the same dashboard layout. For example, if you have temperature and humidity sensors in multiple locations and you design one UI that each device uses.

There is no restriction about multiple devices based on the same template being online at the same time - as you say, this would make no sense.

Devices sharing the same Auth token will be kicked-off the server, allowing only the latest connected device to remain online.


Hi Pete , thanks for the reply. I thought its strange they kick each other off the network as they are the same template but different devices and Auth tokens (Double checked that). I thought maybe I need to use a different set of virtual pins with each device to create a distinction between them. Something I just thought of and will check now is that the boards I’m using don’t have the same mac addresses as that happened to me once with a batch of cheap ones .Also I let all my devices sort out their own IP allocation’s and don’t reserve as they has caused me some issues in the past.

No, the idea is that each device uses the same virtual pins, so that the same dashboard UI works for each device.

Unlikely, unless you’re using Unos or Megas with Ethernet shields and specifying the MAC in your code.

It might be useful if you included #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial near the top of your sketch and looked at what your serial monitor is showing.

Beyond that it’s difficult to suggest anything else without lots more info on your hardware, code, serial output etc.


My code has #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial as you mentioned and the mac addresses on the boards and all good , tried a different board and no issues.
When i use the suspect one with a new template its fine , no idea why , these WIFI WeMo’s D1 mini’s are cheap enough that I will just move on at this point . As usual I’ve learnt something here and appreciate the help .