Blynk.setProperty must be called twice?

I have found that setProperty does not work quite right on at least some properties/widgets. When setting button “offLabel” no change is observed until I call setProperty again for the same button. The second call does not have to set “offLabel” for the previous “offLabel” call to finally appear on the app. I could set property “offLabel” followed by another call to setProperty “color”, at which time the “offLabel” becomes evident. I’ve seen setProperty “color” work intermittently. As a temporary work-around, I’ve resorted to calling setProperty twice in all cases.

Is there a flush()-like function I should be calling when setting properties?

App version 2.16.0.
Local server 0.28.3.
Library version: 0.4.8. I understand this library version was superseded a week ago, but no mention of this bug/fix/issue in the release notes.

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Thanks, we’ll check. It looks like app’s bug, so it yes - it will be fixed in the next release