Add details :
• Hardware model + communication type. For example: Arduino UNO with Ethernet Shield
• Smartphone OS (iOS or Android) + version
• Blynk server or local server
• Blynk Library version
• Add your sketch code. Code should be formatted as example below.
Simply paste your code between ``` If you don’t format your code, your topic can be deleted by moderators.
Is this thread open for the public? Like if I put up a draft, @Fettkeewl can edit it, and when we are both happy, publish it? I mean, the first draft might not be beautiful
Var så detaljerad som möjligt i din frågeställning:
Ange vilken hårdvara och uppkopplingstyp du använder, t.ex. Arduino Uno med W5100.
Typ av mobiltelefon (iOS eller Android) samt version.
Blynk cloud eller ((+en)) lokalt installerad server (ange även version).
Vilken version av Blynk-biblioteket du använder.
Lägg ((/Bifoga)) till din skisskod. Koden ska formateras enligt exemplet nedan.
Detta görs genom att omsluta koden med tre stycken grav accent-tecken (engelska backtick). Formateras inte koden korrekt kan tråden tas bort av moderatorerna.
Exempelvis ``` void loop() ``` formateras som:
void loop()
@Pavlo it’s a DRAFT! I’m explaining my “formating” to Fettkeewl in Swedish and I’m sure he will clean it up afterwards
@Fettkeewl Ett första utkast Det inom dubbel parentes (( )) är kommentarer eller förslag på alternativ eller vad man ska säga.
/ - alternativ till det föregående ordet. “Innan du startar ((/skapar)) en ny tråd:” menar jag antingen “Innan du startar en ny tråd:” eller “Innan du skapar en ny tråd”. Vet inte vilket som passar bäst helt enkelt
Var så detaljerad som möjligt i din frågeställning:
Ange vilken hårdvara och uppkopplingstyp du använder, t.ex. Arduino Uno med W5100
Typ av mobiltelefon (iOS eller Android) samt version.
Blynk cloud eller en lokalt installerad server (ange även version).
Vilken version av Blynk-biblioteket du använder.
Bifoga din skisskod. Koden måste formateras enligt exemplet nedan.
Detta görs genom att omsluta koden med tre stycken grav accent-tecken (engelska backtick). Formateras inte koden korrekt kan tråden tas bort av moderatorerna.
@Pavlo what about a post template instead of a template covering needed details in a post? Or maybe have it as an extra. I’d think it would be neat if all “help” posts looked similar in its structure
Problem: Describe your problem here, as detailed as possible
Hardware & Software edit example below with your data
Images, schematics etc: Add your images here, if you have a schematic of your project add it aswell, the more information the better
What I have tried: Describe here what you yourself have tried to do, to fix your problem. This will prevent unnecessary posts about things already tried.
My sketch: For convenience add your sketch to the bottom, properly formatted with 3 backtics
// My code
int someNumber = 5;
void doSomething(int aParam)
**Images, schematics etc:**
_Add your images here, if you have a schematic of your project add it aswell, the more information the better_
**What I have tried:**
_Describe here what you yourself have tried to do, to fix your problem. This will prevent unnecessary posts about things already tried._
**My sketch:**
_For convenience add your sketch to the bottom, properly formatted with 3 backtics_
// My code
int someNumber = 5;
void doSomething(int aParam)
Looks good, I’m happy with it! @Pavlo, we are ready
General note/question on item 1 “Search forum for similar topics”, perhaps change it to something like:
“Search the forum! Similar topics might already been discussed and have an applicable solution for your problem.”
And I would like it to be in BOLD
That’s not a half bad idea! Your example template is really good! Either merging the two, or change item 3 to something like:
If you create a new topic in “Need Help With My Project”, use the template below. The more information that’s provided, the easier it is to troubleshoot for others.