Blynk on RaspBerry PI ... want to use with Geany

I already installed Blynk-Library on Raspberry as described … Blynk Example works perfect.
Now I want to make my own project with Geany … put code from Code-Generator.
But When I want to compile it … I get fatal error BlynkApiLinux.h is not available (but I cann see it in Linux-Directory)
Looking forward to some help on this

Is the .h file somewhere in your path enviroment variable? Seems to me it just can’t find it. Maybe supplying the absolute path would work too, but I’d try the export PATH first.

Hello, I tried everything
export PATH=$PATH:/home/pi/blynk-library/linux (with and without linux)
printf ‘\nPATH=$PATH:"/home/pi/blynk-library/linux"\nexport PATH\n’ >> ~/.bashrc (with and without linux)
To add the absulute path to all the files is a hell of work ;=(
Same error … is there another way to IMPORT a library into Geany ???

That is probably more a question to ask on their site… FAQ | Geany

I admittedly haven’t been doing much with my RPi (just let it continually run the multiple sketches it has loaded), but @Costas recommended the WinSCP and Notepad++ combo that works great… then you just manually edit your code right on the RPi.

Another option would be programming in C/C++. If you use NetBeans, you can remote execute/compile code from a workstation to your RasPi. It works very good. Only disadvantage over NetBeans is, it’s written in Java. Myself I prefer PlatformIO, hell of a lot faster, but not sure if it does C++. For Arduino’s it’s excellent. I’ve written some pieces of how to integrate libraries in there at this place