Hey guys, big thanks for setting up the Blynk NCP system. I think this is perfect for one of my projects. I have a question on the use of it with an ESP32 module. I have a ESP32-WROVER-E-N16R8 on a custom board connected to an STM32. I am connected to both the programming / console UART of the ESP32 and the other UART port for application use. I have downloaded the .bin file that you have provided at address 0x00 using the ESP Flash tool. I then try to run the application but I’m not sure it is running. Do I need a special build of the NCP FW for that ESP32 module or should the ESP-WROOM-32 4MB work? Thanks!
The build we provided should work fine. Of course, the excessive resources will be unused/wasted.
Let me verify if it works on a similar module and I’ll post back the instructions to verify it on your end.
Update: I’ve got it working successfully with the provided firmware for my ESP-WROOM-32 as is. Seems to be working great!