Blynk mobile app multiple problems

Trying to update a device today and I am having several problems. I continually have to get out of the app when I have added a new datastream online and try to add it on the mobile device. It doesn’t show up until I completely close the app. When getting into the app or changing to view a different device I get the hourglass for a long time before getting to my devices. I have had other problems that I can’t recall but all require closing down the app and restarting it to fix them.

What do you mean by ‘new datastream online’? As I see you are on the mobile internet - a long connection may be a result of a slow network connection. Can you also send logs via About → Send Logs → Gmail

If you are adding datastream on Web while editing something on Mobile - Select DataStream screen has a pull-to-refresh to reload datastreams - have you tried it?

I was adding or modifying the datastreams in the template. I will send the logs.

Did you add/modify it on the web or on mobile?

Have you tried pull to refresh on datastreams list on mobile?

I added/modified in templates on web and then added or modified the modules on the app. I am not aware of where the pull to refresh the datastream is. Can you specify how to get to it? Also today switching between devices and just getting into the devices is very quick compared to yesterday. I don’t get the hourglass anymore.

In any datastream picker/list (Select DataStream in widget settings, or DataStream list in Template Settings)

I received your mail - but logs file has not been attached. Can you share it via some cloud and send link via PM here?

It doesn’t allow me to download the files. Says permissions not allowed in billing.

This is what I see if messaged to myself. It flashes for an instant that it failed to add the attachment.
App Version Name: 1.6.3 (94)
built at 14.09.2022 13:44

OS API Level: 31
Model: SM-G991U
Manufacturer: samsung

Granted Permissions: android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE, android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.WAKE_LOCK, android.permission.VIBRATE, android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC, android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT, android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE,,,, cloud.blynk.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION,