Blynk Local server + IFTTT

A screenshot of the one from seventy available Google Assistant applets in IFTTT.

i need to clarify my position… 8080 MUST BE IN THE APPLETT URL

i.e http://WAN IP:8080/TOKEN/update/D12?value=1 turns on

i didn’t know there were 70, i made mine up to suit.

Just for you though because iptable is not working or because your NAS is using port 80.

OK which base applet did you start with?

yes just poor me, everybody else will be ok hopefully.:smiley:

Google Assistant

Actually a lot of the stuff in this thread will be dead soon as @Dmitriy has been busy recently changing the ports. It’s more a case of consolidating the ports but watch for news of the changes in due course.

what the ports we have been using, will i need to ammend the port forwarding later on?

Maybe, watch Announcements.

hey look, many thanks for all of your help, i think i will leave the email token problem, i don’t want to risk any damage now, just made 2 more applets to turn on and off the bedroom lamp+ WORKING

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FYI. i have completed the physical hardware for the window curtain motors, i can’t install them personally but they are being installed this week, another couple of applets should ice the cake there.:smiley::smiley:

these applet things are really handy, i even got an applet to switch my tv on via my homemade WIFI IR unit which is pointing a the tv. the app button for the power is V1, and only a push button, so just one applet needed for either on or off because the power button is on and off, it’s the same IR code.
one problem i have is when the galaxy phone screen is off, google assistant doesn’t work, a short press of the home button is enough for google assist to recognise the saying “hey google” which unlocks the screen and hence works. Do you know if there is a setting to change in the phone to have GA always ready?

@Costas you must remember the IR unit, because you wrote the code for me?

Yes I remember the IR code we wrote for you.

As far as GA and phone screens are concerned it works like this:

If you are carrying your phone around, like most people do, then sleeping is useful to preserve battery. Therefore what you are doing is fine.

If you are charging the phone you can use developer options for the screen to stay on permanently and GA should be available by shouting across the room.

oh yeah ok, i see
many thanks

They won’t, because no rules are added permanently (there is no option to do so). You could either make a rule set that are loaded (“restored” in the iptables world) at boot, or add the appropriate commands in the /etc/network/interfaces file.

I’ll make a write-up :slight_smile:

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@distans got your PM but we are not really using Pi local server at the moment.

Thanks for confirming that iptables don’t automatically persist after a reboot.

That’s why we are using the bash script in crontab that calls the iptables and then the server.

Means you don’t need to use 8080 in API calls etc.

Edit: maybe you want to provide details here for the proper way to use iptables and some Pi users can try it out.

I cross my fingers and hope it will work on RPi’s too :yum:

I found the solution replace HTTP by HTTPS and port 8080