hello!! im just starting to use blynk, i already test one of the examples, wich was to controle a led and it worked perfect, but wehn i wanted to send humidity and temperature from my arduino to the blynk app i have a compilation problem. this is what came out when i try to compile:
C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\blynk-library-master\examples\GettingStarted\PushData\PushData.ino:34:25: fatal error: SimpleTimer.h: No such file or directory
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
compilation terminated.
Se encontraron múltiples librerías para “BlynkSimpleEthernet.h”
Usado: C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\blynk-library-master
No usado: C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\Blynk
No usado: C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\Blynk
No usado: C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\Blynk
No usado: C:\Users\ange3\OneDrive\Documentos\Arduino\libraries\Blynk
exit status 1
Error compilación en tarjeta Arduino/Genuino Uno.