Hi, from everything I can read online as well as this forum, the free tier for Blynk.io includes 20 datastreams per template.
That’s what’s shown here - Pricing | Blynk - IoT platform for businesses
However, when I try to add a 6th data stream to my simple project, it immediately prompts me a buying page. I deleted an existing data stream (making it 4) and adding another 5th isn’t an issue. However again, when I try to add another, it prompts a buying page.
From this I inferred the limit is 5.
5 data streams on any project seems extremely limited, especially after the switch to new Blynk.io, where everything has to be coded with data streams. That’s exactly why I wondered why it’s so low. 20 seems a reasonable amount on the other hand.
I’m coming from old blynk and therefore learning as I go. So maybe I have understood something wrong. However, in the simplest terms, I would like to know what the actual limit for free users is, regarding the number of data streams per template. Is it 20 as said in the web site and other places, or is it 5 like I’m experiencing?
If it’s actually 20 and I’m unable to add anything beyond a 5th, what’s the problem? Is there something like verifying identity, building your profile further etc to increase from 5 to 20?
Someone please let me know. I would really like to have 20 or at least 10 data streams.
I don’t think my project code or device or such information is relevant here. I just want to know the actual limit that’s all. Then we can see either why I’m unable to add beyond 5 or why it says 20 on the website.
(Buying pro is absolutely not an option for me. This is just a very minor hobby project, and the price for blynk pro is like half my salary. There’s no way I’m able to afford that.)
Please answer soon.