Blynk Inject problem

Hello everyone,

I have some problem with Blynk Inject test.
As I understood it correctly, I can test Inject functionality in App Preview.
I’ve used an example from GitHub with configuration for NodeMCU.
The device is working, AP is visible and I can configure it with a web page.
When I’m trying to use “Add new device” form Application, it hangs on “Connecting…” phase.
The last message from serial debug is “WAIT_CONFIG => CONFIGURING” and nothing happens.
Are defines for a board name, vendor and template ID important for this process?
I can provide code but is a pure example from the library.
Any suggestions?

My setup:
• LiLon NodeMCU v3
• Android 8.0.0
• Blynk server
• Blynk Library last version from GitHub (there is no “Inject” example in 0.5.4)


You can install beta build from Google Play (scroll Blynk app’s page till ‘Join the beta’ section) - it has logging capabilities, so we can check how is it going on app’s side.

On sketch defines:

  • app preview is not using vendor/board fields
  • template ID field is required in case of device tiles project
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