Blynk does not work with IFTTT-webhooks


I’ve been searching thru all kinds of forums, but did not find an answer to my problem.
I have connected a simple buzzer to Pin D2 of my Wemos D1 mini.
With the Blynk-App I can get it working by pressing a button, even if I am not connected to my home-wifi.
With my browser, I can get it to work by entering” (or value=0 to stop).

Now I tried getting it to work using Google assistant and IFTTTs web request, but I failed.
It is just not working, whatever configuration I try.
I tried the following:
URL field:
Method field:
“Get” and “Put”
Content type field:
“application/json”, “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” and “text/plain”
and for the body field:
[“1”] and [“0”].
No combination of the above is working.
Then I tried to but the whole text into the URL-field:
and changed the rest of the options. No success.
As a reminder, sending the URL via the browser directly, works fine.
Is there a simple way to find out, what the web request looks like?
All of the answers that I have googled so far, do not explain my problem.
Most of the time, the Pins were addressed wrong (GPIO vs. D#), or not using an appropriate IP for Blynk…

Thanks for your help!

Try this combination…



Content Type:

Leave the body blank

Ensure that you are actually triggering the applet correctly and that the Auth code is exactly the same as what worked in your browser address bar.


Hi Pete,

thanks for your quick reply.
I tried it with your suggested configuration about 10 times, and finally it worked once…
I think the problem is not webhooks, but Google assistant. It only reacts to my trigger in very few cases.
But thanks to you, I could finally rule out webhooks as the main problem.

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