In my Blynk.Console I am attempting to add a new data stream to an existing Template.
After adding the data stream and clicking on the Save and Apply button, I get a drop down error message box with the text “URL schema is invalid”. The error box has a white background with a white cross centered in a red circle on the left hand side.
This is preventing saving of the new data stream.
The Template currently has 7 data streams.
I am on the Maker Plan.
What type of datastream are you trying to add (Virtual Pin, Enum, Location etc)?
Virtual Pin. Data Type: String.
Thanks for the quick response.
Hello @Phillip. I guess you have some wrong link in widgets settings (maybe there is an extra space at the beginning of the link, check for extra spaces). Please check all widgets (image widgets first).
Thank you. Problem solved.
When I edited the Template’s Web Dashboard for an existing LED widget, there was a URL setting error in red text. I deleted the widget and saved the dashboard.
I then added a new data stream successfully.
Thanks again for the assistance.
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