I am new to Blynk, I create a small ESP32 + DHT22 sensor , and I can see the values on my web console.
I added two gauges (temperature & humidity) and they are bering updated every hour.
I also added a custom chart to see the values changes.
The issue I have is that each time I open the web console I need to select the datastream for the customer chart , is there a way to make them permanent ?
Thanks I tried simple chart and it worked.
One issue I notice is that the Y axis ( temp numbers ) appears for a few seconds and disappears, it will appear again for a few seconds if I change the scale from 6h to 1d or any other change .
I added two charts and this only happened on the first for some reason.
Yea it is, it looks like a GUI issue as it appears for 2 second each time I change the time scale.
BTW I am having difficulties to build the same on my mobile , I will open a new thread.