Blynk BLE on MSP432 + CC2650

I gave a try of Blynk on a MSP432 LaunchPad with a BLE CC2650 BoosterPack and the Sensors BoosterPack for all the climate sensors, featuring temperature, humidity, pressure and light.

Everything went smoothly thanks to the examples provided. They were clear to understand so the implementation of Blynk on the MSP432 + CC2650 was easy.

Here is the result:

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If you are showing your Project made with Blynk to others, you might wish to include the code you used so others can see how it was done. Thanks.

@Avenue33 thanks for your feedback! I put much efforts to make all this stuff to work :wink:

The core code is listed below. ble provides the serial port to Blynk.

/// @mainpage	IoT_BLE
/// @details	IoT BLE with Blynk on MSP432 + CC2650
/// @n
/// @n
/// @n @a		Developed with [embedXcode+](
/// @author		Rei Vilo
/// @author
/// @date		May 25, 2018
/// @version		1.0.1
/// @copyright	(c) Rei Vilo, 2018
/// @copyright	CC = BY SA NC

// Core library for code-sense - IDE-based
// !!! Help:
#include "Energia.h"

// Set parameters
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "BLE.h"
#include <BlynkSimpleSerialBLE.h>

// Define structures and classes

// Define variables and constants
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

// Prototypes
// !!! Help:

// Utilities

// Functions

// Add Setup code
void setup()
    // Debug console


    // Blynk will work through Serial1
    // Do not read or write this serial manually in your sketch
    Blynk.begin(ble, auth);

    pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);

void loop()

// This function tells Arduino what to do if there is a Widget
// which is requesting data for Virtual Pin (0)
    float t = random(220, 330) / 10.0;
    Blynk.virtualWrite(0, t);
    BLYNK_LOG("Random T= %8.1f °C", t);

// This function will be called every time
// when App writes value to Virtual Pin 5
    BLYNK_LOG("LED %s", param.asStr());
    if (param.asInt() > 0)
        digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);

At this time, it works against the LaunchPad w/ msp432 EMT (48MHz), not the RED LaunchPad w/ msp432 EMT (48MHz). See Porting BLE Library to MSP432 Red

@Gunner The goal of this thread is not to showcase a project, but to share Blynk works on the MSP432 + CC2650 hardware.

I’ve posted the minimal sketch with the Blynk implementation on the MSP432 + CC2650 solution.

Yes, my point… others would want to know how :wink: Thanks for posting further details.