Blynk automation

How did you configure your automation ?
post some screenshots please.

Here are some screenshots, I hope it is understandable. Esp32 is the sensor device which has PH and EC sensors. I want to run Esp32home device that has pumps based on these sensor values. This automation setting only works when I click the “save automation” button and it works just once. I have to click that again to run it.

Everything is okay and your automation should run everytime ESP32 PH is lower or equal to 5.25 not only once.
Have you tried a different automation ?

@ergu hello, that’s by design. The trigger works only once when the threshold is reached. However, now, when we have an “ignore period” it could be changed. We’ll think what can be done here.

Yeah but nothing changed. I don’t know what should I do at this moment. Can these two devices act like single devices? Or I should consider using esp-now? I think devices can have some problems with esp-now data transfer when they are connected to bylnk. Is it correct?

How can be this is by design? I dont think other people have these issues. What should I consider to use to solve this problem with the help of the bylnk?

I’m not sure, but I don’t think blynk and espnow can work together in the same sketch, if you would like to use espnow with blynk, in my opinion the best way to do that is by using a multiple esp32 boards.
Something like this

I’m working on a similar project.

as Dmitriy mentioned, it will work only once when the condition is met, for example if you would like to send a notification when the temperature is greater than or equal to 30 degrees, only one notification will be sent when the condition is met.

It’s not a problem, it’s designed to work like this.
If you have some programming skills, you can use the sketch to find a workaround.

If it is supposed to be this way, why there is a time limit. If it works for just once, why is there a period-like time limit? If it is still above the threshold, it should trigger the automation until it goes below the threshold, am I wrong?

I’d suggest that you’re-read what @Dmitriy said.

In the meantime, if you need an urgent solution then create a solution in your sketch rather than using automations.


We are thinking of doing something very similar to this in the future as well. A situation where a sensor turns on a device for X time every time the sensor reaches a certain level. Hopefully some solution is found! Thanks.

This feature comes from Blynk 1.0. And we got no complaints about it in the last few years. So we decided to keep it. The idea is that once triggered you don’t need notifications again and again. If the sensor value comes back and after a while threshold is met again - you get a new trigger again.

Later we introduced an ignore period. And now with the ignoring period seems like this limitation is no longer needed. However, we can’t just revert it, because there are already running systems that relies on this behaviour. So we’ll see what we can do.

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Perhaps I am not fully understanding what is possible/the limitations. As I said for our purposes this is a future idea, not something I can test right now.

The idea is this: Sensor A goes below 50%, turns on Pump B for 10minutes, turns off. Waits. X hours later Sensor A goes below 50% again, turns on Pump B for 10minutes, turns off. Waits. Repeat.

Notifications would be good too so it says “Hey Pump B has run for 10minutes”. The delay between sensor triggers could be hours to days to weeks, it would vary.

My understanding was this was possible with automation, but reading this thread it might now be?

Do you mean something like this ?

Yes, this is what the plan is, minus the last “wait for 12:00:00” perhaps, and we might add a notification in there. But based on this thread it seems this might not work over and over? Or am I misunderstanding the issue?

Automation will be triggered everytime the condition is met only once, for example if you create an automation that will turn on a fan for 10 minutes then turn it off everytime the temperature is equal to 30 degrees, the action will be performed once until the temperature changes and back to the setpoint you specified ( 30 degrees ) again.
I’m not sure why are you trying to run the automation continuously, but if you would like to do that, you can use a blynk timer to trigger the automation every specific time.

Thanks @John93 I think at this point we are criss-crossing our thoughts. We definitely do not plan on running automations continuously.

From what you said it sounds like it should work as long as the sensor reading goes back above the automation trigger level.

I do see an issue though potentially. Let me lay it out a little more clearly. (This is just an example of course)

Sensor A checks a tank level every hour. The trigger is set to 20%. It does a check and is at 21%. An hour later it checks and is at 15%. It triggers Pump A to fill for 10minutes.

An hour later Sensor A checks again and the tank is at 19%. (During the hour it could have gone to 25% for example but the sensor didn’t read that). But because it hasn’t gone above 20% (as far as the sensor knows) the automation won’t run again.

I am correct in my understanding?

Personally, I don’t recommend using automation in your case, I’d use a timer and some variables instead if I were you.


We will of course look at different options. I think the main thing that makes Automation so intriguing as a solution is the “sensor” and “pump” are two different products, both on Blynk, so having one trigger the other is simple. If we don’t use Automations it seems like much more of a headache. Plus it is going to be user adjustable, again Automations make this easier. Anyway, we are months away from having something to test! Thanks for your comments and suggestions!

Not really, it’s fairly easy to do.

You can use a slider for example to adjust a variable, so you don’t have to edit the sketch and reupload it, it’s also a user friendly just like the automation.

you can use automation or coding, it’s up to you, anyway good luck :slightly_smiling_face:.