Blynk app for PC?

Why don’t we have a Blynk app for PC? Can’t we make it?

Because it is very expensive. You can use Android emulator instead.

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:frowning: I h8 win10 store

Just get Droid4X. It works perfectly with Blynk :slight_smile:

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I use NOX emulator! Blynk works very fine. :heart_eyes:

I tried installing Drod4X on a Windows 7 machine but it doesn’t like the graphics drivers I’m using.

However when I installed the software I noticed it created 2 icons, 1 for the regular Droid4X and one for Droid4X Multi Manager. It didn’t do this on my Windows 8.1 machine so i went hunting for it.

Basically it lets you run multiple instances and clone existing (stop then clone) instances. Obviously depends how much RAM as to how many instances you can run but very cool. RAM permitting we should be able to create a video of how we switch from Cloud to local server with one of our projects.

Screenshot for now of 2 instances running, left shown as Local server and Right as Cloud Server.

For me, Andy was a good option. You can set things like what we do with the android sdk.

Can we use Mac version to do this (2 instance at once)?

@noersaleh I assume so, do you have an “executable” called something like “Droid4X Multi Manager” in the same directory as the main Droid4X executable?

Unfortunately only 1 Droid4X, no file so called Droid4X Multi Manager, so I assumed only running on Windows…

Sorry for this question OUT of Blynk…is the use of DroidX4 secure? I don’t like the idea to enter my google user and password into it…

@psoro I wouldn’t use a real Google Play account with these simulators.

Understood @Costas, I’ll create a new user only for that purpose just in case…

It’s as secure as your password usually, but I tend to agree with @Costas, create a seperate acount for it.

Be warned, it’s stuck on OS X Sierra! It may need updates, so far it crashes for me, LOL.