Blynk and nodered

Does anyone know if it could be possible to turn on an led using nodered that will update the pin configured as digital and not as virtual in the blynk app ?
I am running on the cloud server.

It certainly is, I explained how to do it just yesterday:

It’s something I’d never had cause to try until this question was asked, so I tried it with the cloud server to toggle the built-in LED on a NodeMCU.

Having said that, it’s not an approach I’d chose to use.
I prefer to use code on the NodeMCU to monitor the change to the virtual pin then toggle the state of the digital pin using a digitalWrite statement.


Thank you Mr. Pete.
But in your example provided there i saw that you change the state using inject node.
I want to do it in a manner using switch button node.
Like if is off then update the pin to not have voltage on it.
I dont know how i should do it. But i will struggle more to understand and to solve it.
Also i want to use two more nodes. Color picker and zergba blynk node
The strip is configured on V15 pin i’ve set the zergba and it appear as connected but i dont know how to parse the rgb to it

I don’t know what you mean by the “switch button node”. Any input can be used to trigger the http request node, I just used the inject node to inject something (a timestamp in this case) for simplicity.

Your description doesn’t tell me very much I’m afraid. If you search fo Node-Red examples on this forum then you might find a few building blocks, but the best way is to use google and to experiment yourself - you learn more that way.


Can you explain how the zergba node works ?
As input it receive a message like (0;0;0) and i should output it to another write event ?
Or for eg i should choose color picker and then i should make a function that will parse the rgb value from rgb(0,0,0) to (0;0;0) and the utput will be linked to zergba input ? And that will be all ?
Thanks in advance

Take a few steps back.
Start by explaining the MCU hardware that you’re using, and what you have connected to it and which physical pins you are using for it.
Then post the code that you’re running on the MCU.
Then explain what it is that you’re trying to achieve, and what success/failures you’ve had so far.


Well, basically i want to control different things like
1 rgb strip, 1 stepper, 1 servo motor, 4 relays,1 pir sensor,etc
All are connected to an arduino mega(if it was to use esp there won’t be any pin left for the rest of my sensors so the solution was to include an atmega2560)
Any way…as i said, to control everything atmega will have to look at the esp pins. And then will produce a result.
Everything works like a charm if i use blynk or physical buttons.
But now i was thinking that it would be interesting if i could control everything from web.
For that i use nodered and mosquitto(setting the raspberry as a mqtt broker)
So, the temperature and the humidity also i managed to display on the local server
Now i am struggling with the zergba node. I want to be able to control the color using colorpicker.

I don’t understand this statement. If you’re using an ESP8266 as a Wi-Fi modem for your Arduino then you won’t be “looking at the ESP pins”.

In my setup, I don’t run Blynk on my ESP/Arduino devices at all, simply an MQTT client that communicates with my Node-Red server. Blynk runs in Node-Red and commands are turned into MQTT messages by my flows.

I also don’t centralise everything. I have ESPs located where the devices they are controlling are located, so I have around 20 ESPs around the home. Some are built into Sonoff devices to control lights, some act as gateways between MQTT messages and infrared or 433MHz transmitters. Others are connected to environmental sensors or attached to Nextion displays to allow touchscreen input and user friendly displays.

For me, Blynk is mostly used for control and monitoring when I’m out of the house. When I’m in the house then it’s usually Alexa voice commands or the Nextion displays that are used.
More info here:

If you want advice/support on direct digital pin manipulation (as in your original question) then you need to explain EXACTLY what you’re trying to achieve and the wiring and code that you’re using.
