Hello. I apologize if the text is slightly incorrect. Using translator. Building my first project on Arduino Mega and SIM800L using Blynk.
Blynk works just fine! But here’s the problem with answering an incoming call. The starter code has been compiled on your site. The essence of the problem:
If the module is connected to GPRS, then there are no problems, and if at this moment it is connected, then there is no answer to the incoming call. Please help me solve the problem.
@timon816 please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of each segment of code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:
If Blynk IS NOT connected, then as long as your programming is setup to keep running without that link (see here for an example), then you should be able do whatever you want with the modem… attempt reconnection to Blynk, ET phone home, answer spam calls, whatever…
If, however, Blynk IS connected, then generally that is ALL the modem (or any other method of link, WiFi, USB, BT/BLE) can do (maintain that connection), and thus unable to do anything else.
Perhaps due to the fact that I use a translator, the essence of my text changes. If the SIM800L module is connected to the server and data is transmitted, there is no problem. I make a call to the module, he answers it and executes DTMF commands from the phone. As soon as the call is over, it again starts sending data to the server without reconnecting again. But, if the module has lost connection with the server due to a bad “GPRS” signal and is constantly trying to reconnect, then at that moment I call the module, the call goes on, but does not answer this call. And it is necessary that if there is no connection with the server, the modem constantly tries to connect, but also accepts an incoming call.
As @Gunner’s example (that he linked to in his last post) shows, using Blynk.config and Blynk.connect instead of Blynk.begin (which is a blocking command and prevents any other code execution when there is no Blynk connection) should solve the problem you’re describing.
Sorry for my persistence. Still nothing works. If replace Blynk.begin with Blynk.config and Blynk.connect gives the error "no matching function for call to 'BlynkSIM :: config (char [33], TinyGsm &, char [9], char [1], char [1]) ’ "
Yes… posting code helps us actually see what you’re talking about.
Also, searching this forum just might help a bit I used these keywords (Blynk.config GSM)… and for example, this showed up… I suggest reading whole topic, and looking through others as well…
This code is designed to work with Arduino Mega 2560 and GSM module SIM800L. It is controlled by Blynk via GPRS and by using DTMF commands when calling the module from a mobile phone. The code contains the following:
reading readings from three temperature sensors DS18b20
readout of input voltage readings
control of turning on two relays to open and close car doors, and automatically start the engine
turning on one relay to start the tablet PC installed in the car, after starting the engine
turning on one relay to activate the air conditioner button in the car
DTMF commands duplicate relay activation for doors and engine start.
I understood what my mistake was. Thank you so much Pete and GTT !!! Everything works as I wanted
Pete, please delete this topic so that other users don’t read my mistakes in vain.
I’d asked you to post the code that gave the compilation error, so we could see if you’d correctly implemented the Blynk.config/begin commands correctly.
It appears that you’ve now worked-out the error for yourself, so I’ll mark the topic as ‘solved’.
It may help others in future if you post your working code.