
Based on the solution of the transfer BLYNK from NANO to ESP (
I have an idea which I called BLYNK <4> ALL.

Most microcontrollers are still working stand alone but to communicate needs a display or keyboard.
The function of the keyboard and the display could perfectly fulfill BLYNK

Some projects with microcontrollers needs a temporary online connection especially during testing and deployment
Here also perfectly be used BLYNK

And at the end of a group of projects permanently connected online to the network where it is remotely monitored and controlled
The current project BLYNK perfectly suited to this third case

In my opinion the needs of the first two solutions BLINK structure of the library should be a bit different

I think that BLINK library should consist of two parts - the first max universal and minimum size part would be installed on any microcontroller having a serial interface (serial I2C, etc.) and a main part module library installed in the ESP8266. The remainder of the system is the same.

This (or similar) solved very well increase the number of possible applications for use BLYNK - today limited narrow list of available processors

This seems a but pointless with boards like the WeMos and NodeMCU ESP varieties. They’re often cheaper and more powerful than standalone boards too.

It is a good idea but I feel maybe a bit late.

BTW, nothing stops you from using Blynk this way :wink:

8051/2 PIC18 68HC908, HCS08 MSP430 …
my dream - everywhere BLYNK
too late? It is never too late :slight_smile:

No, definitely not too late :wink:
Actually you can do this using Blynk - but the whole point is to provide this out of the box!
Yes, this is considered for development - we will put efforts on this, if we get a commercial request.