Blynk 2.0 Wifi Provisioning

Does anyone know if the new BLYNK wifi provisioning is blocking?

That is do you have to configure the wifi settings, or can the device program run without them?

Will the device code continue to run if the wifi goes out, or if the device is moved to a place that has different wifi credentials?

I would like to have a device that can have the ability to connect to wifi/blynk, but that also function without them.

We’re using the blocking API on all platforms out of the box.

Easy solution: If you’re using ESP32, Linux, (or any other OS/RTOS based environment), you can use multiple cores / threads to execute your device logic independently of Blynk connection management.

More involved solution: Implement connection management using async API, if provided by your platform.

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Thanks for the information. Another question, is there some type of timeout feature or command? So if there is no connection after some time it stops trying to connect and resumes normal function?

Similar to blynk.connect()

@vshymanskyy does this mean that Blynk.config / Blynk.connect is no longer supported?
I’ve tried it and can’t get it to work, but if it was available as a non-blocking connection method it would make migrating an existing sketch much easier for people.


Blynk.config / Blynk.connect should work, nothing changed there.
Most Arduino devices only provide blocking networking APIs, so this is what we have.

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Thanks you very much. ESP32 Using two cores works perfect without blocking. Only one note for begginers like me: If you dont modify settings.h, in case of wifi disconnects: ESP32 resets every 30s, I have modified it, something like this:

#define WIFI_NET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 3600000 /// instead of 30000
#define WIFI_CLOUD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 3600000 //instead of 30000

Thanks again