Blynk 0.4.4 vs Blynk 0.4.3 dynamic memory usage differences

hi @vshymanskyy @Dmitriy
i upgraded from Blynk 0.4.3 to Blynk 0.4.4 and compiled the same code and noticed a significant difference in dynamic memory usage. To such an extent in my case that the sketch wouldn’t function without resetting hardware :frowning:

Any reason why such a big memory usage difference ?

You’re talking about static RAM memory, not dynamic.
Not enough information is provided - what is your hardware, ide version, etc?
Also, what Blynk features do you use, please provide sketch code…

@mars is actually showing an increase of 262 bytes of storage (static?) and 1812 bytes of dynamic memory. And running on a Mega… But yes, IDE, sketch, etc. is still necessary :slight_smile:

My interest is because I was using an UNO for as long as I could for my testbed project (because I have a few of those), but had to switch back recently to my only Mega, due to memory issues, causing instability.

@Gunner, you’re also wrong :wink: Arduino IDE shows misleading message. Dynamic memory consumption can’t be shown during compilation time, only at runtime (hence, “dynamic”).
It only shows static RAM consumption, and sketch code size.

Ahhh… then they should stop putting actual numbers where people can read them… darn marketing types :stuck_out_tongue: I thought that global variables and local variables were two different things?

PS, the term I think you meant was “mislead” :wink: I am often misled, but rarely wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

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Anyway, Blynk implements new features and IS growing in fact. We can’t slow down just because there’s some old hardware that is not capable to do “this and that” simultaneously…
However, what I see here is strange - and to the best of my knowledge, we did not increase RAM consumption that much.
Probably some other library (maybe even inside Blynk package - we keep them updated).

Hi, understand the price of progress but I wouldn’t expect it to be that much :wink:

IDE: 1.6.13
H/W: MEGA 2560

  • Nothing Special:
    i.e. Buttons, Slider, RTC, Terminal, Email, Display, LCD, Notify, History Graph
    FYI: The sketch on 0.4.3 is and has been running smoothly for many many weeks so to me it would seem quite stable.


  #include <Ethernet.h>
  #include <BlynkSimpleEthernet.h>
  #include <SPI.h>
  #include <avr/wdt.h>
  #include <TimeLib.h>
  #include <WidgetRTC.h>
  #include <OneWire.h> 
  #include <DallasTemperature.h>
  #include <SimpleTimer.h>

@vshymanskyy hi - any thoughts on what could be going on ? if you need to see the sketch I can direct email it to you

Hi @vshymanskyy I am still trying to work out the possible issue with my sketch. I even tried to re-order my #include libraries but to no effect.

Any clues you could offer that may be causing such a huge difference in “static RAM usage” or what I should be looking out for in my sketch ?

created issue to track this:

Should be fixed in master