I am working on a Blynk controlled motor vehicle with 2 DC motors, line followers, LED’s, buzzer controlled by Android Blynk app with sliders, joystick, button using BLE (HM-10) and basically it works. But … I found one issue where the virtualWrite seems to be buffered somewhere (I guess in the app); I isolated the problem, and here you can find some source code to reproduce the problem.
- Arduino nano
- HM-10 module on pin 11,12
- In Blynk app a LED-widget or a value-widget connected to the virtual port 5.
When you run the code, you will see the LED-widget or value-widget change between on(255) and off(0). And the debug output looks perfect. Only … it is totally wrong because the 2 values are just the opposite as they should be (the LED-widget goes on when it should be off and vice versa). The problem is that the commands are buffered somewhere. I guess in the app because the debug output looks perfect and on time. If you execute the led1.on/off two times, everything works perfect - that’s a workaround.
Here’s the code to reproduce the bug:
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <BlynkSimpleSerialBLE.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <WidgetLED.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";
SoftwareSerial SerialBLE(11, 12); // RX, TXconnected to HM-10
WidgetLED led1(V5);
SimpleTimer timer;
void setup()
SerialBLE.begin(9600); // Set Serial baud rate
Blynk.begin(auth, SerialBLE);
while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
// Wait until connected
timer.setInterval(1000L, blinkLedWidget);
void blinkLedWidget()
if (led1.getValue()) {
// led1.off();
Serial.println("LED on V1: off");
} else {
// led1.on();
Serial.println("LED on V1: on");
void loop()
And the debug output is
[0] Blynk v0.3.7 on Arduino Nano
[0] Connecting…
[6000] Connecting…
[12000] Connecting…
[18000] Connecting…
[23298] >[02|00|01|00]
[23349] >8caa28e4fe6b4cb78f317a0cc99b6cd4
[23350] Ready
[23350] <[00|00|01|00|C8]
[24415] <[14|00|01|00|08]vw[00]5[00]255
LED on V1: on
[25415] <[14|00|02|00|06]vw[00]5[00]0
LED on V1: off
[26415] <[14|00|03|00|08]vw[00]5[00]255
LED on V1: on
[27203] >[14|00|02|00|04]
[27207] >vr[00]5
[27415] <[14|00|04|00|06]vw[00]5[00]0
LED on V1: off
[28217] >[14|00|03|00|04]
[28222] >vr[00]5
[28416] <[14|00|05|00|08]vw[00]5[00]255
LED on V1: on
[29231] >[14|00|04|00|04]
[29236] >vr[00]5
[29415] <[14|00|06|00|06]vw[00]5[00]0