Hello everyone,
I’m coming back to my evolution of my connected hive project. The main problem I had, was having a wifi connection available around my house, and I moved to a LORA connection. I first made a gateway with a Raspberry PI with a dragon module connected to the TTN server. Then with a nano ESP32 TTGO and a Lora modulre RFM 95 I made a transmitter module called LoraNode. This module sends the weight, temperature, pressure, humidity, connection number and Lora parameters every X minutes (With a deep sleep function). This data is then sent to TTN, retrieved by Node-red (installed in the raspberry) and sent back to the Blynk server.
My LoraNode
Next for me is to creat a outdoor lora gateway, test the maximun distance range I can have and install my new Loranode under a hive! and if all work creat a PCB!