Basic Configuration with Arduino and ESP8266 Wifi Shield (ESP-12E)


I need some basic help getting my Arduino Uno and my ESP 8266 Wifi Shield (ESP-12E) working.

I have downloaded and installed the Blynk Library for the Arduino IDE but I need to know the “Board Selection”.

I have tried the straight Arduino Uno and, while the basic Blynkblink sketch works, when I plug in the ESP-12E I get a lot of compiler errors.

I must be really missing something as the “Getting Started” tutorials make the entire process look “easy” I can’t get anything to work.

The ESP8266 Arduino Wifi Shield has four switches on it and I have no idea if they need to be set a certain way.

Please help as this looks like a great way to control the Arduino…I just cannot get it working.

Thanks in advance.

This is not related to Blynk, you will have to consult the documentation/provider of this shield.
Maybe somebody from the community has this also, and could help?

If that shield use hardware serial (ports 0 and 1) for communication with uno, you must unplug it during flashing because that ports are used for flashing. You have two possibilities:

  1. Define software serial on other two ports and then you will be able to flash without problems.
  2. Continue to use hardware serial but remove shield during flashing, put it back later.

Dear friend,
sorry for the out of topic question but where did you get this board? Can you give me any link?