Avoid Delay

@Gunner told you how to do

Sorry ā€¦ But I do not understand that, where is the 30-second pause?

timer.setTimeout(30000, DoSomethingLater); // will run this function in 30 seconds

thatā€™s what I did ā€¦ but how do I make that loop repeat?

 if (TempC > (TempP + 4))
    A = TempC;
    timer.setTimeout(30000, encendido);
  if (TempC < (TempP + 3))
    B = TempC;
    timer.setTimeout(20000, apagado);

void encendido()
  float Temp2 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(1);
  if (Temp2 <= A)
    digitalWrite (RELAY, HIGH);

Your code snippets are still hard to decipher.

The concept of timers depends on the timer you useā€¦ you really need to sit down and read all about their different options, then experiment with simple concepts before plunging into something that affects real-world controlsā€¦ checkout that link aboveā€¦ to my example sketchesā€¦ it also has links to the SimpleTimer library that Blynk Timer is based on.

Then you can do lots of different ā€œtimingā€ things without the delay()

Another pseudo code exampleā€¦ you want to have an action, every 5 minutes to take a reading, then compare it to itself 60 seconds later (for whatever reasonā€¦ just spitballinā€¦)

Ideally you would have an interval timer in setup() repeatedly calling a function, sayā€¦ every 5 minutes. Then that function calls another for the reading, then runs a different type of timerā€¦ the timeout timer, which only runs the one time, x seconds later, to call another functionā€¦ that then calls your sensors again, compares them, and does whatever logic you want based on the results.

void setup() {
timer.setInterval(3000000, MyFirstreading);  // Interval timer will run this function every 5 minutes

void MyFirstreading() {
MySensors();    // run the sensor function
firstTemp = temp;  // transfer the value
timer.setTimeout(60000, MySecondReading);  // then run a timeout timer that runs once, 60 seconds later, each each time this containing function is called

void MySecondReading() { 
MySensors();  // run the sensor function
secondTemp = temp;
// compare firstTemp with secondTemp and do something based on result

void MySensors() {
temp = sensor_read_command;  // read a sensor, store it in a variable called temp

This example could be further refined with less functionsā€¦ but I am trying to spread them out (the differing timers) for better viewing :wink:

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Opps :blush: I had the wrong type of timer showing in my above post, the one in setup() is supposed to be an interval, not a timeout. It is fixed nowā€¦ and a few other syntax issuesā€¦ happens when I make non-running pseudo code that is not verified in a compiler.



3000000 or 30000?

Well, it depends on how long you want the timer to runā€¦ I may have added an extra zero, making my example 50 minutesā€¦ opps :stuck_out_tongue:

The defining number (a Long Integer) is in milliseconds, so 1,000 = 1 second & 60,000 = 1 minute. Multiply that by 5 = 300,000 = 5 minutes.

Math and me donā€™t get along, and we canā€™t use the thousands designation , in the codeā€¦ so that is my excuse :innocent:


Iā€™m somewhat mathematically challenged, (AKA Iā€™m crap at maths) so I prefer to do it this way:

timer.setInterval(5x(1000*60), MyFirstreading);   //   5 minutes
timer.setInterval(50x(1000*60), MyFirstreading);  //  50 minutes
timer.setInterval(120x(1000*60), MyFirstreading); // 120 minutes = 2 hours


timer.setInterval(2x(1000*60*60), MyFirstreading); // 2 hours

I like this approach because itā€™s easy to see the actual value that youā€™re going to get at the start of the equation, and I can usually mange to remember that there are 1,000 millis in a second, 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour (at least after the first couple of cups of coffee!).



Excellent, and dare I say, obvious (just not to myself :blush: ) this might save me from having to remove my socks when countingā€¦


Thank you very much to all!!!
It is working perfectly :ok_hand:.
You were very kind to me.