I can’t seem to get Automations to turn on/off an LED on a Particle Photon 1.
- Used the Blueprint in Blynk to set up a Particle device, this was easy, but often had to wait for a long time for the success animation (I set this up at least 5 times until it finally was successful)
- Developer mode turned on
- Automations created to turn on Particle D7 LED a time, along with send notification
- I can control the LED toggle switch via the device Dashboard in both mobile app, and web interface
- I get the notifications for on and off Automations in the mobile app
- I have Automations enabled in the mobile app
- Webhooks in both Blynk and Particle are working, haven’t messed with the template
I can’t figure out why none of the 5 automations I can use in Free Mode are able to turn on/off the toggle switch to have an effect on the device. Is something broken with Blynk Automations, or is this an issue in Free Mode that Automations don’t actually do work on the device?
I thought maybe the toggle switch on the Automations had to be in the opposite direction because the documentation has it backwards from what was done in the Particle-Blynk Blueprint. For Switch it reads: “Typically 0 = on, 1 = off”, but I tried to set the toggle in the Automation in both states for “on”, but no luck, I get no action on the device using an Automation.
Thanks in advance for any guidance on what I’m doing wrong, or if the problem is real.