"Automatic Blynk Auth Token Update for ESP32 Without Backend System"

"I want to create a system in which, whenever Blynk generates a new auth token, it is automatically applied to my designated ESP32 without using any backend system.

This is not gonna happen because, as soon as you generate a new token, the device will be disconnected from the Blynk server and the device will not be able to connect back. This way there is no communication happening between the device and the cloud. Thus the device never knows why is got kicked out of the cloud or there is a new token that needs to be taken care of.

Are you talking about a workflow for a business situation, where customers will be sent devices that you want them to be able to activate without going through the provisioning process?

Or, if you’re talking about a situation where a pre-provisioned device has its auth token changed, the question really has to be, why was the token changed in the first place? Blynk doesn’t randomly change auth tokens for a device, unless you’ve chosen a dynamic provisioning workflow and the device is re-provisioned with a new auth token by the user.


I don’t want to change the already existing ESP32 auth tokens. I am referring to a new ESP32. When I add a new ESP32 to my system, I will generate a new device on Blynk, and I want to allocate this ESP32 a new auth token automatically. Isthis possible?

It would help if you fully explained the scenario and your reason for wanting to do this, rather than asking badly worded hypothetical questions.

Have you read the Blynk documentation and blog posts about the various provisioning options available for the various types of Blynk subscription?
