Hi blynkers,
Could you please help me with my project…
Idea is to automatically reconnect arduino DUE from one internet connection (ethernet shield) to another one (esp8266) and back.
Ethernet shield is connected to router and it’s a main arduino connection to the server.
Esp8266 is connected to wi-fi and modem is a smartphone with 4G. So there is another one network for arduino and it’s using it only when main connection is lost.
Each connection (ethernet and esp8266) separately is working ok. There is no problem here.
How to check connection status of ethernet and reconnect to esp8266 is clear as well.
But I cant figure out how to make work two shields together with arduino and blynk.
I can’t include 2 libraries BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h and BlynkSimpleShieldEthernet.h in same sketch.
Maybe there is another way to do it and I just can’t figure it out…