Arduino UNO/ProMini and ESP8266 as Wifi

ESP-14 specifications:

WiSoC – Expressif ESP8266-EX WiSoC
MCU – STMicro STM8S003F3P6 8-bit MCU @ 16 MHz with 1KB RAM, 8KB flash, and 128 bytes EEPROM
Connectivity – 802.11 b/g/n WiFi
I/Os –
STM8: 15 GPIOs also supporting I2C, SPI, UART, and up to 5 10-bit ADC
ESP8266: E_GPIO0 to select operating mode (running or download)
Power Supply – 3.3V
Power Consumption – System Standby mode 70 mA; 0.5 μA shutdown @3.3V
Dimensions – 24 x 16 mm

I said: “No way to use it as the Esp-01. Check the Esp14 pinout… It’s done for other purpose rather than a Shield

Can you use it as shield following below sketch??

I would say no way…But for sure, I could be wrong… Please let me know

Only TWO actually → E_GPIO0 and E_VDD.

Yes you can as Obama said…

I did my first ESP programming on it before I got the 13s.

The essential pins for programming the ESP are fed to the outside and connected to the ST… as well.

They just got the Pin names of the ST…

But this is not nearly related to this issue.

I’ve tried to at comments on arduino uno with esp 14.klw for at comments went well but when I tried to program blynk “echo erorr”

Thats for my opinion a problem if Blynk which isn’t correctly waiting on the BUSY of the ESP.
Had the same issues and switched because of those Blynk AT Firmware problems to using the ESP without Arduino. But that gets me other problems…

Search the site for “echo” and you will see lots of users have had this problem and you will see possible solutions.