Arduino sensor smoothing and current state of filter

Hey all,
Looking for some guidance with a school project. There are two issues I need help with.

First, I need the sensor values from preSensorPin and postSensorPin values “smoothed” out in some fashion. Currently while testing the prototype, while water is not flowing through the system, I am seeing as much a 1 psi delta between pre and post psi, when really the psi delta should be close to 0 psi.

Second, with the blynk app, is there a way to send the current filterStatus to the app project screen on blynk (filter ok, order filter, change filter)? I have been able to operate the flush out valve and see pre and post psi values, but for a more user friendly interface, I would to just see the filter status.

Thanks in advance for any help, and if any of you have some time to explain what needs to happen, I can vemno money.

Automated Water Filter System

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleWiFiNINA.h>

enum FilterStatus {FilterOk, OrderFilter, ChangeFilter};

float prePsi;      //declaring pre-filter sensor psi
float postPsi;     //declaring post-filter sensor psi

byte preSensorPin = A3;   //assigning pre-filter sensor to A3
byte postSensorPin = A1;  //assigning p-filter sensor to A1

const byte yellowLEDPin = 2;            //assigning pin number to yellow LED
const byte redLEDPin = 5;               //assigning pin number to red LED
const byte flushValveSolenoidPin = 7;   //assigning pin number to flush valve
const byte buttonPin = A2;              //assigning a pin number to button
const byte hotPin = 6;                  //assigning a pin to hot wire

float redLEDThresholdPsi = 1.5;       //assigning a pressure threshold for red LED to illuminate
float yellowLEDThresholdPsi = 1.25;     //assigning a pressure threshold for yellow LED to illuminate
int flushValveThresholdPsi = 55;   //assinging a pressure threshold for flush out valve to open

const uint32_t flushValveDelay = 5000UL;  //assigning a delay for flush out valve
const uint32_t minFlushInterval = 2UL * 60UL * 1000UL; // Minimum time between flushes, however invoked

uint32_t flushValveOnAtMs = 0 ;  // flush timer
bool inFlush = false ;           // flush timer status
FilterStatus FilterCondition = FilterOk;

// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "REMOVED";
char pass[] = "REMOVED";

//Project Token from Blynk
char auth[] = "545a7ce537d04d53a3d6922bef1e47c3";

void setup()
  pinMode(preSensorPin, INPUT);        //sets pre-filter sensor value as input
  pinMode(postSensorPin, INPUT);       //sets post-filter sensor value as input
  pinMode(yellowLEDPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(flushValveSolenoidPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(hotPin, OUTPUT); 
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

void loop()
   digitalWrite(hotPin, HIGH);
  if (!inFlush)
  prePsi = GetPsi(preSensorPin);
  Serial.print("Pre-filter psi: ");
  postPsi = GetPsi(postSensorPin);
  Serial.print("  Post-filter psi: ");
  Serial.println("Pressure Drop");
  Serial.println(prePsi - postPsi);
  delay(2000);                                                      //delay in between reads for stability

float GetPsi(byte AnalogPin)
  int SensorValue = analogRead(AnalogPin);                       //read raw reading from sensor
  float Voltage = (5.0 / 1023.0) * SensorValue;                  //calculating voltage from raw reading
  return (Voltage - 0.5) * (100.0) / (4.5 - 0.5);                //calculating psi from voltage

void CheckFilter()  // Filter condition state machine
  // All we can do is go from OK to order or from Order to change
  switch (FilterCondition)
    case FilterOk:
      if (prePsi - postPsi > yellowLEDThresholdPsi)      //  if the pressure drop is greater than Order threshold
        Serial.println("Order filter");
        FilterCondition = OrderFilter;
    case OrderFilter:
      if (prePsi - postPsi > redLEDThresholdPsi)        //if the pressure drop is greater than replace threshold
        Serial.println("Change filter");
        FilterCondition = ChangeFilter;
    case ChangeFilter:  // Once we're in this state, only a reset will change it.

void ManageFilterLeds()
  switch (FilterCondition)
    case FilterOk:
    Serial.println("Leds off - filter ok");
      digitalWrite(redLEDPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(yellowLEDPin, LOW);
    case OrderFilter:
    Serial.println("Show yellow - order filter");
      digitalWrite(redLEDPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(yellowLEDPin, HIGH);
    case ChangeFilter:
    Serial.println("Show red - replace filter");
      digitalWrite(redLEDPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(yellowLEDPin, LOW);

void ManageManualFlush()
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW && !inFlush)
    Serial.println(F("Manual flush"));

void ManageFlush()
  if ( inFlush && millis() - flushValveOnAtMs >= flushValveDelay )  // if flush timer expired stop flushing
  if (!inFlush && prePsi < flushValveThresholdPsi)    // if the psi is lower than threshold see if it's time for an auto flush

void StartFlush()
    inFlush = true;
    digitalWrite(flushValveSolenoidPin, HIGH);   // open flush out valve
    flushValveOnAtMs = millis();                 // start flush timer
    Serial.println(F("Start flush timer"));

void StopFlush()
  digitalWrite(flushValveSolenoidPin, LOW);         //close flush out valve
  inFlush = false;
  Serial.println(F("Stop flush timer"));

void FlushIfWeMay()  // Flush if enough time has passed since the last one or if we don't know when the last one was
  if ((millis() - flushValveOnAtMs > minFlushInterval) || flushValveOnAtMs == 0)  // Honour an initial request for flush - who knows when we did it last
    Serial.println(F("Auto flush"));
    Serial.print(F("Flush request denied - did one too recently. Next opportunity in: "));
    Serial.print((minFlushInterval - (millis() - flushValveOnAtMs)) / 1000UL);
    Serial.println(F(" seconds."));

You won’t get much help from forum regulars until you sort-out your very cluttered void loop, which includes removing that delay. You should read this:

then post your cleaned-up code.

Yes, the data is probably best sent to one or more labelled display widgets attached to virtual pins. Use the Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin) command, but this has to be done in within a loop that’s called by a timer. The “Keep your void loop clean” document above helps to explain this.

Unless you share more information about the smoothing algorithm you plan to use, it’s very difficult to suggest a potential solution, especially as you haven’t shared any indicative values for these two sensors.
However, as these are analogue sensors, I’d start by looking at how they are wired. Analogue values are very prone to induced noise and will probably need a voltage divider circuit to get reasonable values. The wiring needs to be well screened and the resistors used in a voltage divider circuit needs to be high tolerance. If you have this built on a breadboard then you will be causing yourself lots of unnecessary pain.
