I am trying to get a Arduino Nano 33 IoT working with Blynk without succes. It seems the new version of the ArduinoBLE library is not compatible with Blynk. Is there anyone out there who has managed to get this working or knows how to use the ArduinoBLE library in combination with Blynk?
Little update: You can connect the Nano 33 IOT with the MKR1010 Wifi example. This seems to work fine. I am still trying for a BLE connection since I am going to need my project connect without any wifi close.
Hmm, interesting. What other libraries (besides WiFiNINA) do you have installed? Within the Arduino IDE boards manager, are you selecting Arduino Nano or Arduino Nano BLE 33 (under Tools>Board:???). I
Thanks again and I will keep playing with BLE as well.
Aaaah, I’m using the Nano 33 BLE Sense which has a different chip set than the Nano 33 IoT. The Nano 33 IoT is based on ESP32. I just ordered and will give it a go!