Arduino MKR WiFi 1010/Nano 33 IoT Blynk Bluetooth Connection

I have an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 that I am trying to connect to the Blynk App over Bluetooth/BLE with. I have had easy success connecting to the Blynk App with my MKR WiFi 1010 over WiFi with the help of the example program in the Blynk Github Library.

However, I can’t find any example program for a Bluetooth/BLE connection for my MKR WiFi 1010. I believe that the tiny module on the MKR WiFi 1010 is an ESP32 module.

I would appreciate any help because my project requires bluetooth communication. Thanks!!!

I think you’ll find that it’s a SAMD21 processor and that WiFi/BLE is provided by the NINA-W102 chip.

If you wanted an ESP32 processor then you bought the wrong board!


Continuing the discussion from Arduino MKR WiFi 1010/Nano 33 IoT Blynk Bluetooth Connection:

Is there any way for bluetooth to work?

There was a basic WiFi example for the MKR WiFi 1010 in the Blynk Github library that worked perfectly? Is there no bluetooth example or any way to bluetooth working with the MKR WiFi 1010 with Blynk?


Blynk doesn’t support the ArduinoBLE library :open_mouth:

@vshymanskyy, why Blynk doesn’t support ArduinoBLE library?