Arduino-ESP01 Basics


Do yourself a favour and order a NodeMCU or Wemos D1 Mini, and a generic ESP32 dev board. Experiment with them a little and I’m sure you’ll realise that these cheaper alternatives are far more useable than the old clunky Arduinos and the net of wires needed to connect-up the ESP-01.
In the long term you’ll save yourself a lot of pain, as well as money by going down that route…

Some more info on ESP8266 based boards here…

Also, there are many well made self contained devices such as the Sonoff and Shelly switches which are ESP8266 based devices which can easily be re-programmed to work with Blynk. Taking this approach allows remote devices to be incorporated into a smart home setup in a really neat way, which is something you can’t really achieve when using home made devices, especially ones that are based around an Arduino + ESP-01.


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