Any recommendations for an I²C single line display?

I am looking for a one line display.

I am using ESP8266 systems (3.3 V)
I believe the preferred interface to an LCD is I²C right?

I have spent some time googling products but don’t seem to be able to find an I²C single line display that is about 1/2" high or smaller. Lots of two line displays!

You could try an OLED…

Try this… not sure if they will be small enough… depends on if the visible part or the entire body is what you want at 1/2 inch high.

Opps… just noticed that they all seem to be the parallel interface only… and most i2c adapters seem geared to 16x2 and 20x4… but might work just fine?

yes it could be OLED, but the height is the main issue, and I²C

Search eBay for 0.91” 128x32 OLED I2C displays.

The description of 0.91” is confusing, as the visible part of the display is 12mm tall and there and additional couple of millimetres (2.19mm in the drawings I’ve seen) of width to the board that they’re mounted on.

Here’s a fairly expensive example which is out of stock (and expensive compared to other sellers), but which includes dimensions in one of the images of the product. Some sellers do them in white or blue text.


Thanks Pete, that does look promising. 12mm is good

That is actually referring to the total visible length of the 128 “pixels” across the OLED matrix

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